摩特诺玛大学相信每一个跟随耶稣基督的人在基督的身体里都有一个独特而重要的角色. 欧宝娱乐官网并承认,这种独特性增强了基督的身体,使我们能够编织出美丽的挂毯,以荣耀我们上帝的丰富. As the Apostle Paul says, “God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be?” (1 Cor. 12:18-19). For the Body of Christ to function as it was intended, 每个成员都必须履行他们从一开始就被创造的独特角色. 139:16). 因此,摩特诺玛大学提倡多样性、包容性和尊重.

If the goal is to cultivate a healthy, God-honoring educational community, 摩特诺玛大学认为,多样性和包容性是实现这一目标的手段. Multnomah University encourages diversity amongst its students, faculty, 以及员工,以促进对不同背景和信仰的人的同情, to grow an appreciation for one another, 超越单纯的宽容,颂扬我们的不同.

摩特诺玛大学招收符合条件的申请者,不分性别, race, color, national origin, 或有残疾的人,亲自委身信靠耶稣基督.

摩特诺玛完全遵守美国残疾人法案(ADA)的规定和指导方针。. We have established certain policies, procedures, and expectations that facilitate compliance with ADA standards. 我们提供合理的学术调整或住宿,为合格的残疾学生提供平等的机会和充分参与所有课程.

ADA的详细信息和必要的应用程序可从 Disability Resources by phone at (503) 251-5301 or email studentsuccess@haolaichi.com.

Certain ADA information also may be found on our website. These documents include:
ADA Policy Statement
Application for Accommodation
Professional Verification Form
Faculty Expectations and Procedures
Student Expectations and Procedures

全国福音派协会(NAE)最近分享了一份声明,我们, as a university, support:

NAE对非裔美国人反复经历的创伤感到遗憾. We condemn racism and the violent abuse of power, 呼吁为受害者及其家属伸张正义,并敦促教会打击使种族主义永久化的态度和制度. 我们感谢执法人员,他们光荣地服务和保护我们的社区, and urge our members to uphold them in prayer. 基督徒认为,种族主义是对按上帝形象创造的个人价值的侮辱,也是对神所设计的救赎人类多样性的侮辱. 这种对人格和归属感的否认违背了上帝在创世之初所打算的和平与团结,也违背了圣经所描述的我们的命运.

种族主义出现在区分或抬高一个种族高于其他种族的信仰或行为中. When accompanied and sustained by imbalances of power, 偏见超越了个人关系,进入了制度实践. Such racial injustice is the systemic perpetuation of racism. 它的存在不公平地使一些人受益,使另一些人负担沉重,仅仅是因为他们的肤色和基于种族观念的文化联系.

No race or ethnicity is greater or more valuable than another. 福音派相信耶稣基督的好消息有能力打破种族和民族的障碍(以弗所书2:14-18)。. Racism should not only be addressed after tragic events. 我们的信仰团体必须在这项爱与正义的工作中持续努力.

Over 35 Denominations & Traditions

你可能会惊讶地发现摩特诺玛没有教派效忠或传统. 而许多圣经学院和学院是由教派建立的, we were founded simply as a school of the Bible. 摩特诺玛大学社区庆祝超过35个不同的教派和传统的教师, staff, 还有那些有着无数神学差异和立场的学生.

Prayer Chapel in Fall

Cultivating Diverse Perspectives

我们重视学习社区传统的多样性. 我们的教授从不同的角度或传统进行对话. 我们的学生听取其他传统,以便更好地理解和尊重来自不同教派的同龄人. Instead of deepening tribalism, 我们在课堂上和校园里的谈话都在诚实地与圣经搏斗, respect other points of view and deepen understanding.

Female Students Standing Together

Increasing Gospel Impact

我们都检查我们的框架,以便更清楚地看到圣经, no one is asked to leave behind their tradition or culture. 当摩特诺玛的学生回到他们的教会或进入一个新的教会时,他们将能够以智力的完整性讨论其他观点, empathy and love for neighbor, and Scripture. 为了福音的缘故,我们不排斥其他的文化、传统或观点.

Serving Others
Multicultural Engagement

了解更多我们的包容性发展倡议,如多元文化中心, the Undivided Club, Mosaic Month, and more.

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